About us


Rory Lambert - Maker and Artist

From a young age growing up in the country I have always interacted with a variety of natural environments and eco systems, in particular, natural bush areas.
I believe the tinkering and experimenting I did growing up was where my passion for creating and designing first started.
I am a secondary Design and Technology teacher, specialising in Woodwork, in particular, Wood Turning. I love inspiring and challenging students to create and design with timber and in my own time enjoy creating products where the natural beauty and features of the timber are showcased in simple and minimalist designs.
Living in Australia and in particular Perth, we are blessed to be surrounded by a vast and differing array of beautiful timber species, in particular, multiple Eucalyptus varieties and Banksias. I love creating products for RLWooddesign out of these unique Australian timbers as well as exploring more challenging reclaimed timbers like driftwood and recycled building materials.  I also enjoy taking photographs of each piece created, this is an area where I am still learning each day and will continue to develop further.  

If making inquiries or contacting us you may interact with Jess, my partner.  We both run RLWoodDesign together.  Jess specialise in the sales, accounting and customer service of our small business. 
Please feel free to browse our shop, start a conversation, request a custom item and follow our story on Instagram! (@RLWooddesign)








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